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Making Disciples

Equipping Pastors and Churches to Disciple their People!

Disciple by obeying and doing as Jesus did! Set up a plan; target a small select group of people without ignoring the others around you!

In Proverbs 27:17 and 1 Corinthians 10:12, we are told to come along side and encourage those who are down, who are new, who are old, who are immature, and who are mature. In other words, we all are called to make disciples! There are only two kinds of people who cannot disciple, and that is one who is not a follower of Christ and/or one who disobeys God's command and refuses to disciple.

Our trusting the Lord does not mean that there are not times of tears. I think it is a mistake as Christians to act as though trusting the Lord and tears are not compatible. Francis Schaeffer

Teaming up with God and others makes Discipleship Possible!

How do I Become a Discipler?

We all are called to make disciples! There are only two kinds of people who cannot disciple, and that is one who is not a follower of Christ and/or one who disobeys God's command and refuses to disciple.

How to Start and Lead a Discipleship Program

This primer is intended to help you and your church to start, lead, develop, grow, and manage a mentoring or discipleship or shepherding program. This article can also be used to start and lead small group Bible studies too.

Tips and Techniques for a Successful Discipleship and Mentoring

A good facilitator needs to strive for obedience to the principles of God's Word and practice the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, and stewardship.

How Do I Recruit Leaders?

How do I recruit disciplers? The best way to catch new people into your Bible Study is for you and your members to invite their friends. Advertising creates awareness, personal invitation creates participation!

What is a Disciple?

A Disciple is one who grows in Christ and in so doing models and teaches Christians the precepts of the Bible, prayer, doctrine, relationship, Christian living, service, and worship, to name the main ones.

Questions on Discipleship to Ponder

A call is extended to you and a response is required! You have been given a precious and wondrous call without irresistible pressure, yet with passion and conviction. "Follow me."

We are committed to provide you with high quality discipleship materials for you and your churches Christian spiritual formation.

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