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Research on The Bible

Understanding the impact of the Bible on history and its relevance for our lives
We can master the entire Bible and even be totally transformed by the Word; but, if nothing comes from it, it is meaningless and nearly worthless. This is one of the main points of the book of James. Our faith must have a response to it. Yes, we may be saved, but what good is it if we do nothing with it?

We must say that if evangelicals are to be evangelicals, we must not compromise our view of Scripture. There is no use in evangelicalism seeming to get larger and larger, if at the same time appreciable parts of evangelicalism are getting soft at that which is the central core -- namely, the Scriptures. Francis Schaeffer, (No Final Conflict)

After years of thought, research and lectures about the influence of the Bible, Francis Schaeffer wrote a book in 1976, How Should We Then Live?, where he explored how biblical truth affects all of life.

"Christianity is the mother of modern science because it insists that the God who created the universe has revealed himself in the Bible to be the kind of God he is." …

"The Bible has influenced modern science from its foundation" …

"Because the earliest scientists believed that the world was created by a reasonable God, they were not surprised to discover that people could find out something true about nature and the universe on the basis of reason." Francis Schaeffer

He was a person who practiced what he preached, as he spent his Christian life, disciplined and immersed in the Bible. Even though he was somewhat reluctant to converse publicly on this, his private life was all about his growing impacting relationship with God from His Word and prayer. I had the pleasure to be with him in some of these investigations, where he was also challenging me, a then confused liberal, to what is "true spirituality," from being in the Word. Then in 1981, he further explored the influence of the Bible in his book, A Christian Manifesto, where he sought to discover the Bible's impact on western culture. Afterward, he tried to continue his research, yet was not able to complete it. He asked me and others to keep it going. Thus, I responded, and this article, The Book of Ages from original and outside research and is a summation of that work, the Bible's role, influence and impact upon western culture.
Insights and applications to know and then teach your congregation how to read, enjoy and study the Bible! This curriculum is researched from Scripture and over thirty years of effective practice, giving you the basics of an Inductive Bible Study.

The Crucifixion From A Medical Point of View! According to those physiologists I interviewed and the research done, Jesus did not die from suffocation as most victims of crucifixion did. Rather, He had cardiac rupture or cardio respiratory failure, associated hypovolemia, hyperemia, and an altered coagulable state.

See our Bible Relevance channel for resources on how to know, study and enjoy the Bible.

See our practical Bible Study curriculums that have been carefully honed from Scripture from over thirty years of research and effective practice. At

(We are trying to upload our research as fast as possible, please be patient, this is an enormous task)
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