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Are you Willing to be a Good Pastor and Leader?

These articles and curriculums are designed to teach you how to be better at going before God, to be better at how we study the Bible with the tools a good pastor would learn to use in a top level seminary.

So, if you are a Christian looking for an easy ministry in a post-Christian culture where Christians are a minority, you are unrealistic in your outlook. It was not to be so in Jeremiah's day, and it cannot be so in ours. - Francis Schaeffer, (Death in the City)

The key to building and leading a healthy church is to be a good and healthy pastor (and leader)! Yet, so few of us in ministry take this seriously or make this a priority! We tend to chase trends and our personal agendas and not pursue HIM!

Preparing our Pastoral Lives

"Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset, Part I." How is your Ministry goi

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ng? We are going to explore the key ingredients that make a good, healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carry out our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry, and that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

How to be a Good Pastor!

"Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset, Part II." The key to building and leading a healthy church is to be a good and healthy pastor (and leader)! Yet, so few of us in ministry take this seriously or make this a priority! We tend to chase trends and our personal agendas and not pursue HIM!

Time Management for Pastors

Managing the Pastor's to maximize results. Pastors need a system to keep him on track so to manage the church effectively. To do this effectively, we need to have a schedule! Why? Just to see all that is on our plate in ministry as well as personal life and how to juggle it, control it, and do the best for His glory!

The Preaching Power of Words

Managing the Pastor's to maximize results. Pastors need a system to keep him on track so to manage the church effectively. To do this effectively, we need to have a schedule! Why? Just to see all that is on our plate in ministry as well as personal life and how to juggle it, control it, and do the best for His glory!

Pastor Training

We specialize in developing in-depth, inductive-based Bible resources that are carefully researched. One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop, and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.

Prayer Guide for your Church and Pastor!

Do you desire to fire your pastor? Perhaps you should fire him up instead! Praying for your church is like filling a balloon with helium; the more it is filled, the more it will soar and not be sore! For us to grow-not just numerically, but in what is much more important, spiritually and in community with one another, requires our discipline and passion to pursue Christ more and ourselves less. We have to grow in Christ in a cherished, intimate, growing relationship with Him as LORD over all and LORD over us. We are called to become purpose-driven with His purpose at our helm of leadership and lives so that our trust and intimacy is rooted in Him and not in our...

How to develop a healthy personal life so we can lead healthy churches


Are you willing to carry out your pastoral life or leadership position with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry? If not, what is in the way?

The Pastor's Personal Life

The healthy pastor should have a loving, encouraging and equipping role to their family. The foundation is Christ; thus, be an example to the congregation. When we are modeling Christ in our personal lives that will be our strongest witness over anything that is preached from the pulpit.

Pastor's Prayer Primer

Do you feel vital for ministry? If not, what is in the way, or what are you not doing?

Guarding the Pastor

If you are a pastor you must ask yourself this question, am I running on fumes, is my tank empty? I found several diseases among pastors and Christian workers that I have worked with and observed over the years; and each disease I have personally felt when I have gone unchecked.

A Pastoral Checkup

How is your ministry going? Really? Have you ever thought and prayed about taking a self-assessment to see how you are doing so you can honestly find out if your daily activities, relationships, and teaching are lined up to Christ or to something else?

Managing our Personal Pastoral Lives

How well do you manage your personal life? Is it with godly terms? When I was with a church growth-consulting firm, we did a major study of pastors, and came up with some startling statistics...

Setting Boundaries as Pastors?

Do you think you need to set boundaries as a pastor? As ministers of God, we need to be attentive to others, be listeners, and encouragers. However, we also are not to neglect our own web of relationships and family.

Avoiding Burnout as Pastors

Burnout for pastors is perhaps one of the main reasons why we quit and leave the ministry. But we can prevent this!

How to Build your Faith 

How to Develop your Walk with God. What does it mean to be a mature Christian leader? What are you willing to do about it?

More Effective Resources for Pastoring your Church


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