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Effective Leadership

What will you do with this incredible opportunity of expanding the Gospel so others can know and grow in Christ?
What gets your church off its path? What needs to be done to bring it back?
How is your church 'Filling?'
Do you realize the magnitude and wonder, the incredible gift beyond measure that we have by our Lord's work and sacrifice?
What does your church serve?
Is your church accomplishing its main mission?
Why do we do church? Please a personality? Hear a sound bite? Take in the latest fad? No. We worship Christ as Lord. And what does that look like? Our church submits to Christ as LORD! Then, we will have a radiant church! Is Christ leading us and our church, or are we seeking to lead Him?
Do you know that your church can do immeasurably more? The church is established in love, by love for love. So do we love well? Do we do more? We must pray that His glorious riches strengthen us, work in us, so we love and do as He has called! Worship Christ, grow in Christ, serve Christ and model Christ.
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